Sunday, May 31, 2009
Let the Planting Begin!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What a Week!
I did get some welding done, though I still have about a dozen cages to go. Then we headed for my parents for a few days followed by a two night stint at the hospital. I'm exhausted tonight, so this will be short.
Tomorrow, after church, the Boyo and I are heading to the garden to plant! It won't matter how tired I am, as this is one of the most exciting parts of gardening to me. After the first sprouts, getting the starts into their final homes is so exciting! I've nurtured them and coddled them and watered them and raised them and hardened them off, and now it's time to put them in the ground!
So. Sleep tonight, and FUN tomorrow!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Plans for Tomorrow
I finished a few more tomato cages tonight. I've realized that if I want to grow two dozen tomato plants, I'm going to need two dozen tomato cages! Of course, I can short myself a couple thanks to the handy dandy upside down tomato growers. But I still need to build about twenty more cages.
So, tomorrow I WELD!
Wish me luck... or better yet, wish for no burns from splattering molten steel.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Boyo is FIVE!
The tomato is a Czech Bush variety, good for containers and tasty tomatoes! We'll see how it does. I'm thinking if it works out well, this might be the tomato I try and over winter and try to coax fruit from when the snow flies. It it works out really well, then I might modify those bean towers you see in the garden there, just right of the fence line, to hold four of these planters on arms coming out of the top like big shepherds crooks.
I am a dreamer. Good thing the Wife knows!
After the planting, we headed inside for presents, dinner and cake! He got his first two wheeler bike, complete with training wheels, which he rode around for awhile. And when I say rode around, I mean let daddy push him while he practiced getting the hang of the pedals and steering. He also got his very own dolly, as he had absconded with the ones that Sweet Pea had received for her birthday to play with. He loves being a big brother, but with the dolls he gets to do the things we don't let him do with his sister. Bath time, carrying around in pots and his new bike helmet. Swinging by the head and giggling. And of course, putting his "baby" to bed, complete with little pillow and blanket and a stuffed friend. His new doll came with for the bike ride too, and rode in a little pouch we got for the handlebars.
Dinner was Wendy's. His request was for a cheeseburger, and when we offered to make them at home he said "No. I think from Wendy's, with chocolate milk." Birthday request granted!
After that we frosted his cake. When asked what he wanted on it, he said "Dear Boyo, I'm sorry that you broke your leg last year. Glad you're feeling better now!" and then wanted it signed by three friends of ours!
What he got was a "Dear Boyo, Happy Birthday!" instead. Frosting was followed almost immediately by the birthday song, blowing out the candles, and having cake and ice cream! A good time was had by all.
After the nightly Unicorn story, I asked if he had a good birthday.
"Yeah," He said "I love my bike and my doll, and I loved having two parties, and I loved all the presents. Maybe we can do it again next year and I can turn SIX!"
I love that kid!
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Garden Countdown
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Giggling Blasphemy

Friday, May 15, 2009
Mr. Unicorn

Date Night
We went to see the new Star Trek movie, quite entertaining, and shopped for a bike for the Boyo. Yup, that's right. He's getting wheels for his birthday! We found a nice 18" for him, along with a cool "Cars" helmet, and a pouch for the handlebars.
Last week when we were talking bikes, he mentioned that he'd like one with a basket on the front so he can carry around his stuffed animal friends. Our options were a big brown wicker one, way too big for the little dirt bike we got him, or a pretty pink Disney princess one. Also not congruent with a boy's dirt bike. Then we found the little black nylon pouch. That will work just fine!
Thanks to our friend 'AS' for watching the kiddos while we went out for some fun. We're going to have to do that more often!
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Shaffer South

Monday, May 11, 2009
The Party
So why the stoned elephant and the cow that looks a little like a deer you might ask? Well. Family traditions. When my siblings and I turned a year old, our family made cakes shaped like a Hereford cow. Then they would place the cake in front of us and see which part we grabbed first. As the Wife grew up, they had a birthday elephant, who in the spirit of Mr. Claus would bring the birthday girl presents. They frequently had a cake shaped like an elephant.
When the Boyo was turning one, we debated for a long time on whether to have a cow cake or an elephant cake. We came up with many plans, none of which seemed very good. A cow body with an elephant head would really screw up our new one year olds head.
Somewhere along the line we came up with the idea of doing blocks, and with icing that first year, I painted a cow on one block and an elephant on another, thus carrying on traditions while starting a new one of our own!
This year, with extra fondant, I made the birthday elephant and the Hereford out of that. With a little success. And the Sweet Pea loved her cake! Her first grab? The block with the 'Y's on it.
Happy Birthday Kiddos, and Happy Moms day, to all you moms.
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Saturday, May 9, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Speedy the Computer
One of the drawbacks to loving my digital camera is that I've downloaded about a bajillion pictures over the year. They've been eating up so much memory that our computer slowed way, way down. So we finally bit the bullet and bought an external hard drive. 500 GB of pure storage power baby!
So I spent last night moving pictures off of the computer onto our handy new storage space. After all was said and done, I'd moved almost 15 GB of pictures and almost audibly heard the computer take a deep breath as if a huge weight was lifted from it.
And now... it's back to moving at actual computer like speeds!
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Fondant Fest!
We've got not only family coming this time, but friends too! We've been working to get our list's done, and I have a ton more to do on mine, along with a couple of night shifts Thursday and Friday nights. So sleep deprivation will be the name of the game this week!
This past evening saw us making three batches of something called fondant. This is an edible elastic frosting type substance, a little like silly putty or clay. This will be used on Saturday to cover the two cakes we'll be making.
The Boyo is a big fan of Wall-E, so we'll be trying to create him in 3-D form. Sweet Pea is getting a cake similar to the one we made for the Boyo on his first birthday, only utilizing the previously mentioned fondant instead of the powdered sugar and water frosting we used on the Boyo's cake. (He had a milk allergy at the time, so the cake and the frosting were dairy free!)
Anyway, the fondant was pretty simple to make, but messy, messy, messy! I'm anxious to try it out on the cakes! Saturday should be a fun cake building extravaganza!
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
Happy Birthday to Ben
Friday, May 1, 2009
Finally, a Little Light!
Read this...,28804,1895184_1895183,00.html
I think we should name flu strains after colors. Like the Black Plague or Yellow Fever. This could be the Magenta Flu, or the Ecru Flu!
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