It's my birthday too, yeah. And a fun one at that. The Wife took me and the kiddos on a surprise adventure to a place where you can glaze your own pottery. We made a really fun cookie jar and the Boyo decorated a plate. A good time was had by all.
Dinner was at an authentic Japanese restaurant. (Owned by a Japanese guy, our cook was of Latin descent) But it was great. He (the chef) did all of the cool cooking tricks, and was very impressive. The food was great, and the owner even took a picture of us and gave it to me as a birthday present before we left. We'll be going back!
My mother in law saw this picture and thought it looked like a past president... any guess who?
The Wife and I both thought it looked like G. Washington's head on top of a noseless A. Lincoln. Ah... cloud art!
On this, the beginning of my 38th year (yes I did the math right, each birthday is a celebration of the completion of the year that you say you are) I am looking forward with great anticipation the coming years and adventures. Today I am thankful, most very much thankful, for The Wife. She lets me chase my dreams and helps me focus on what is important. She is beautiful inside and out. Without her (or the kids) I would have been forever lost.
Thanks to all who have sent birthday greetings and best wishes.
As a last note... when we returned home from dinner, we played all of the phone messages of various friends and family singing the happy birthday song. By an amazing, nay miraculous, coincidence, each group that sang (and there were five of them) all started on the exact same note!
Time for bed, it was a very nice birthday!
More Later
we couldn't have started on the exact same note as everyone else, because we sang in three different keys - simultaneously!
Undoubtedly you three STARTED on the same note... then diverged. It IS a miracle...a MIRACLE!!
holy cow. august was a busy birthing month in your family!
happy belated, mr. john.
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