Saturday, December 30, 2017

2018 - Second Attempt

Wow. So I tried to get this done once, but it came out as quite the venting session! So - not going to share that one! Let's try again...

Another New Year is a upon us, friends. This past year was filled with goals and ideas for me, but life took a decidedly different route. So, this year I'm going to stick with the Semper Gumby motto. We Marines have the saying "Semper Fidelis", Latin for "Always Faithful". In my unit, we said "Semper Gumby" - "Always Flexible" because we all knew that no plan survives contact with the enemy.

So - Semper Gumby, Baby. We'll take it day by day and roll with whatever comes.

Along those lines I have set a single goal for 2018.

As you may or may not know, over the years I've built and acquired a decent stable of radio controlled flying machines. I have also found that flying these little machines has a very therapeutic effect on me most of the time. My time spent keeping something aloft is a great, peaceful distraction from the troubles and worries of the day.

So - my goal this year is to fly something every day and record a bit of those flights. I've got the hangar for it, with things I can fly indoors and outdoors. I've got the tools to record the flights, too. and it is something that, I think, will bring me a little nugget of joy every day.

I'd like to compile the flight videos each week and post them here, and at the end of the year, create a video with a second or two of each days flight from the year. 

When I write this down it seems so simple and so overwhelming at once, so I make no guarantees that I'll accomplish this. But, I'm still going to give it a go.

So. There's my singular goal for this coming year. Fly something every day.

What are your plans for the coming year? 

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