Sunday, May 31, 2009

Let the Planting Begin!

The Wife is working night shifts of late, so I get to play with the Kiddos during the day. It has been really fun! Sweet Pea has accelerated her personality development it seems, and every day brings new mannerisms to enjoy! The Boyo has been a wonderful, if slightly confused helper in the garden.

Today we started putting plants into the ground while the Sweets napped. I've got a walkway marked out down the middle of the garden, and for whatever reason, he completely disregards it. But after tripping over the twine a few times, he does walk very carefully while he's in the garden. That means sneaking like a cartoon character, and it is hilarious to watch! But he kept sneaking through the planting areas and avoiding the walkways! It will be easier once all the plants are in.
I was going to alternate each plot with red and black, but I've run dry on the red, so I'll just use the black for the rest of the garden. I wish they made the groundcloth in red.

The Boyo was having a ball helping dig and 'bury' the plants, but soon tired out and went to chalk the driveway. I finished about twenty more plants and called it a day as the rains started coming down. I've got a bunch of days off in the next couple weeks, so I should be able to get everything in. Thirty six plants down, seventy four to go! And the beans... and the Basil... and the Sage...Very exciting times.

Right now we are having a 'picnic' supper and watching Night at the Museum. The Boyo is on the floor eating, and Sweet Pea is sitting in her high chair, finishing off a can of green beans and playing peekaboo with whomever will watch her. And that would be me!

More Later

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