Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What a week. We would have returned from vacation today. Tired and worn, semi-rested, bags full of laundry to be cleaned of dust from a dozen states. Instead, we are still recovering from being sick. Everyone is feeling much better now, just some persistent coughing and runny noses to go.

The little Sweet Pea has been rather ill of late too. Her little nose has produced more goo than I've seen for a long time. She's been a little snugly lump for the past three days or so. Lethargic and gooey. Suddenly tonight she has exploded in a symphony of ten month old activity. Talking a blue streak, climbing all over whomever will hold her, more energy than we've seen in a time. And it's been great to see. She claps her hands when I sing to her. It's awsesome.

I spent some time in the shop, bow #2 is almost done. I'll post some pictures later.

EMS education for me for the next four days. But then I'm all done! At least for the next couple of years.

Sleep time,

More Later

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