Friday, June 6, 2008

Discouragement and rethinking

So I got a new camera recently. A Nikon D60. It is AWESOME! (Jen- note the caps and exclamation point ) It has been a goal of mine to get a story published in National Geographic or some such magazine along with phenomenal photos. I used to be pretty good with my old film 35, but never really had the time to pursue a story. Well, I still don't have the time, and according to the research I've been doing on submitting stories, it is very hard to break into photojournalism. So I've decided to do some 'practice stories' here and for friends and family.

The good part of this project is that I'll be able to 'pursue' my journalistic ambitions. The downside is, well, it is yet another unpaid hobby that I have.

Still. If you don't spend some of your life following dreams and aspirations... well, what's the point?

More Later

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