Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to Work

10 days off. I had ten whole days off. And yet, it seems that I accomplished very little. Oh, I got some welding done. Was able to blog every day thanks to my parents. Did enjoy nearly every second with the wife and kids. But really feel like I could have done a better job with the time I had.

I've been reading through the blogs of others, and have realized that through blogging people are sharing a slice of their life. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, almost always personal. The wife and I are firm believers that everyone needs someone else to bear witness to their lives. Whether or not they will admit it. Blogging is a good way to get that done. Even with good friends and a loving family. Of course, the wife says that I have some deep, ingrained desire to leave a mark on the planet. Of course, she's entirely correct though I deny it.

So it comes as a surprise to me all the time that I feel like I could get more done in a day than I actually do. (though sometimes I do little to nothing in a day, and those feelings are justified.)

But sometimes I do get some good, mark leaving stuff done. My tomato cages will outlast the cockroaches. My stained glass might have a shot at being passed down. I did donate the raw genetic material for two unbelievably cute kids, and hopefully that will be passed along. Some other things too. Yet still the desire to 'make my mark' remains. Maybe it's just a guy thing... I should go pee on a tree and be done with it.

Lately, the wife and I have been feeling like we live to work, instead of the other way around. This usually precedes some sort of change for us. Like finding new careers, painting rooms and remodeling, that sort of thing. At the very least we threaten some serious vacations or adventures of some sort. Guess we'll have to wait and see what will come of this.

All of this to say, I'm back at work. And I'm feeling like a) I want to leave something out there that people can witness as my life, b) work should not be the definition of my life, and c) something is going to happen that will change my life.

Man, it's tough to live in my head some days.

More Later


skrelnek said...

I think the answer is obvious: you need to write a book.

Grammy said...

Gray is right! Get that book finished! :)