Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Day

Another cute Boyo moment. We had corn dogs for supper tonight, and after squirting a blob of ketchup on his plate, I garnished it with a mustard smiley face. He's big into smiley faces right now as he just learned to draw them pretty well. I set the plate down on his little table, and he said "Wow! Look at that! A smiley face!"

Then he turned to his mom.

"Look mommy! A smiley face!"

Then his little brow furrowed a bit as he looked from his plate to her then the plate to her, and he said,

"Can I eat that smiley face?"

Got a lot of work done today. Made tomato cages (I'm still behind, but they are coming along nicely) Cleared out some brush, a good start on the re-landscaping process.

Boyo is climbing on my lap, wanting to cuddle in and watch a movie. Who am I to deny such a request?

More Later

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